Tamiltube.in is merely an index Of embedded videos from streaming sites such as but no limited to (Youtube, DailyMotion, etc). None of the videos are hosted by our servers and are not uploaded by us. If you believe that your copyrighted video is in our posts, please address the responsible 3rd Party sites that hosts your videos.
Tamiltube.in does not support the distribution of illegal and copyrighted Content, We aggregate Tamil TV shows and serials by indexing videos from media serving sites and convert them as posts with the embedded videos.
Our goal is to support Tamil people who missed their favorite serials or shows from watching when relayed and encouraging them to continue to watch their favorite programs on time.
Tamiltube.in has absolutely No Control Over Uploaded content to 3rd Party Video Hosting Sites. Tamiltube.in Takes No Responsibility for Content Hosted on third Party Website.
All videos are indexed, embedded on posts that are streamed directly and automatically from the above Video Hosting Sites.
YouTube and DailyMotion Videos:
We are not responsible for the videos that are embedded on Tamiltube.in. We assume that embed option in YouTube and DailyMotion gives us the freedom to embed videos on Tamiltube.in. However, we mostly try to embed "official videos". If you hold rights to any of the embedded video, we highly encourage you to report the video on the media source sites.
If you still have any concerns, please feel free to contact us via email2tamiltube@gmail.com.
The copyright infringement videos will be removed immediately and either of the below screen will be shown to the viewers